How to wash your products


The following instructions are important for its part has greater durability.

- Always wash your bikini after use with cold running water and mild soap. Never hit the machine or soaking , especially in powder, as this may damage the piece mixing colors.

- Do not move or use dryer , prefer dry in the shade.

- Avoid direct contact of the piece with bronzing, sunscreen or suntan oil , as it may stain the piece.

- Do not store the bikini when wet or damp to not go moldy.

- Do not use strong products such as laundry detergent, bleach , and other types.

Extra care with neon or fluorescent color clothes

Tissues in these colors tend to drop pigments into the water. Thus, we should not wash with other parts even colored. When drying also should not let the water run to other parts of the piece as it may stain.

By following these tips you will be washing your clothes correctly. Recalling that problems caused during washing are not responsibility of the store. If you have questions about washing and drying a specific product please contact us or if you prefer directly with the manufacturer.

If you experience problems after washing, please contact the product manufacturer for further information.

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