About Us

Santa Areia is a beachwear brand focused on versatile and modern women looking for high quality products with exclusive prints.

With a factory in Santos-SP, the brand has been outstanding for 15 years in national and international territory, where it received from the trade association of São Paulo the "Outstanding Export" award in 2015 and 2017, always with exclusivity, seeking comfort and beauty To reach our highest goal: please our customers.

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MY ACCOUNT My Orders My Info My Exchanges STORES Santa Areia Santos
Avenida Washington Luís, 409
Gonzaga - Santos - SP
Segunda a Sexta das 10 às 19h, Sábado das 10 às 18h e Domingo Fechado
WhatsApp: (13) 98846-0606
CUSTOMER CARE WhatsApp Retail: (13) 99176-9998 WhatsApp Wholesale: (13) 99191-4040 Phone: (13) 3301-4840 (Segunda a Sexta 9hs - 17h) Email: contato@santaareia.com.br STORE Santa Areia
Santa Areia Confecções LTDA - ME
CNPJ: 19.349.217/0001-30
Avenida Washington Luís, 409
Santos - SP
Brasil - 11055000

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